Friday, May 3, 2024


Well, smart might not be a fair comparison between dogs and humans.  Our canine pals are keen observers and do notice a lot.  Putting things together is a bit beyond the contents of their little dog craniums.  For instance:

Hank knows that Walks generally occur in the mornings.  There are certain cues, factors he needs to check off the list before going to full obnoxious dog pleading.  Sun must be up.  Alpha Human not shuffling around in pajamas.  The cup of mysterious dark liquid that does not smell like food must be filled, emptied, filled one or two more times, then set on the counter.  Only then is it time to spring into action.

Next step for the dog is getting a pair of socks and dropping them next to the front door, ideally on the toes of the walking boots.  He's learned to grab a pair from upstairs then sprint down and drop them.  Sometimes he collects several pairs just to be sure:

So does that make him smart?  Well, here's another bit of evidence.  Hank expectantly holding a pair of socks.  Notice that the fur on his butt is a weird color?  That's because he had a day with too darn much fun and exercise, then fell asleep in front of the wood stove, giving his coat a good singe.  And the next opportunity to do the same thing?  He plopped right in the same spot again.

1 comment:

Borepatch said...

That's one smart dog. Cute, too.