Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Magna Dig 2024 - Day Two

Moving along.  Excavations currently are in an area where there are ditches.  And roads.  And roads going around and over ditches.  True in Roman times.  True today.  The walk to the trench has modern, temporary crossings of ancient ditches.

We are still chasing cobbled surfaces.  Roads mostly, trying to see where they are going.  The occasional bit of pottery and glass turns up.  And of course the chase requires more areas to be opened up.  That means more de-turfing.  I rather enjoy the duty.  Here Simon and I hoist the World Cup De-Turfing trophy!

Actually just a really big hunk of the stuff with a bunch of reeds growing out the top.  Tells you a ditch is nearby.  Go figure!

This was a barrow load all by itself, and yes I know lifting something like that is not a brilliant idea even for comic effect.

1 comment:

Fiona Drake said...

Great to see you and Simon Tim - give him my regards - I knew he’d be back! That looks a big beast to lift - bonkers.
Sorry not to catch up with you this year - I’ll be on period 5 this year at Vindolanda.