Monday, May 13, 2024

Magna Dig 2024 - Day One

More of a half day really.  Magna is a very complicated site, one on which minimal exploration has been done previously.  So there was a long walk around and site orientation.  Then it was time for....

Deturfing.  The turf here is extra thick and heavy, but we got a good bit cleared.

The actual archaeology at this point is difficult to show.  In fact we are somewhat discouraged from highlighting features until they are fully explored and described.  I don't think I'm breaking any confidences by saying there are cobbles down under that turf.  Lots of cobbles.

Its a very pretty site to dig.  Here's a look off the edge of where the fort wall once stood.  You can see Thirlwall castle - mostly built of stones nicked from Hadrian's Wall - and beyond it, Gilsland Spa, the faded Victorian era health resort I visited a couple of years ago.

And there are sheep wandering around the excavation area.  Not the trench specifically as we have fences, but everywhere else.  As it is just a week or two later than my usual visiting time the lambs are no longer innocent and trusting.  Sorta teen aged punks actually...

We'll see what tomorrow brings.  Rain, if you believe the forecast.

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