Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Magna Dig 2024 - Day Seven

 As we are actually digging some distance from the actual fort/civilian community there are fewer "features" than on my various digs at Vindolanda.  It's an interesting "zone" of the Roman defense system, one that has not been much studied.  But in place of walls and floors we get a fair number of.......ditches.  Just channels to move water.

Only moderately interesting.  I'm pretty sure my ancestors left the Old World because they were tired of digging ditches and, well, here I am back doing it.  But its all part of the patterns that help us understand things.  And there is the occasional bit of stuff to remind us that Rome was once here.

When I come back from these jaunts I'm often asked if I found anything old.  Why yes indeed.  In addition to the above sort of thing the pathway to the excavator's hut is made of various stone bits.  Including ancient fossils!

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