Friday, May 31, 2024

England 2024 - Appalling Dog Treats at the Boot Fair

When I'm over to northern England on my archaeology jaunts I always make a point of attending the Hexham Car Boot Fair the Sunday before the dig begins.  Why?  Well I always make the trip with carry on only luggage and sometimes it is helpful to pick up a few extra, cheap garments.  And its fun, always something peculiar to see, especially if you are a bit jet lagged and culture shocked by a recent trans Atlantic flight.  And this year the Boot Fair - its basically a flea market -did not disappoint.

I found a booth that sold the most unusual treats for dogs.  Oh, I'm used to things like pigs ears and cow hooves, sometimes Hank gets that sort of treat at Christmas.  But....Ostrich Neck???

And how about:  Rabbit Ears!

There was only one item that was fully sold out.  I wonder what Puffed Beef Lung is like?

They had big bins of "Hairy Buffalo Ears".  This of course prompted me to pose for another silly photo.  Note the Mr. Whippy ice cream truck in the background.

But the weirdest one of all was also the least specific.  I was not tempted to take any of this stuff home.  Just imagine trying to get through security checkpoints and various agricultural control stations.  "Sir, what is this?"  "Well, its a trachea."  "Whose trachea was it?" "Well....I'm really not sure......"

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