Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Oy! Tim the Tool Man!

As in the US, England in recent years has seen a revival in small breweries.  So generally when I'm Over There I try to drink the local ales.  But of course there are also those that are sold regionally or nationally, and in a pinch my go to is the quite serviceable Timothy Taylor.

Actually, my pint here is from a local brewery now sadly about to go out of business.  "Leaky Tap" was pretty tasty but not relevant to our story.

Because right around the corner from the Black Bull pub in Haltwhistle I saw this:

Hardware House.  Is this where Tim the Toolman Taylor ended up after Home Improvement wrapped production?  If I were bold enough to walk up those steps would Wilson peer over the red brick wall and say "Hi - di - Ho, neighbor!" in a Cumbrian accent?

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