Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Magna Deluge 2024

It rained.  A lot.  No excavating today.

In the morning we went over to the "original site" at Vindolanda and had a chilly, damp site tour by Bellissima Marta, the archaeologist in charge there.

Being Italian, nobody gestures at wet stones with greater verve than Marta.  It was good to walk in the old places again, to see the walls and roads we once worked on.  It's been a bit of tough going over there as well this season, 1920's excavations left a mass of stirred up archaeology, and until the debris and spoil has been shifted its slow work.

Then for the afternoon a lecture on Roman pottery.

Forecast tomorrow is again looking very moist.  Not much can be done about that.  It is a chance to reflect on what I've dubbed "Badger's First Law".  The less successful the excavations, the more fun the nights in the pub.  The reasons for this are obscure, but it is consistent across many seasons of ups and downs, of sun and rain.....

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