Friday, May 24, 2024

Magna 2024 - Amphibians

No update yesterday.  It rained all day and the site could not be walked in much less excavated.  We had talks in the morning and a nice walk in the afternoon.  

Today, our last day of the session, started out better.  I was delighted when at start of work a wheelbarrow was turned over and a rather handsome toad had taken up residence under it.  I guess Thursday was even too wet for him.

And of course, no opportunity for a silly photo should ever be missed.....

Then it was most of a day of digging.  Everything was just a little harder.  The trowel comes away coated in mud.  Makes you remember that they are usually used by brick layers to slather on mortar.  Every bucket and wheel barrow clings to its load of extra heavy stuff.  And you have to step carefully on slick surfaces.  Still, a fair bit of work got done.  I was just too busy to take pictures of it.

I'll have some follow up thoughts on the dig in a few days.



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