Saturday, May 6, 2023

Vindolanda 2023 - Coronation Day

I've been in the UK on various occasions of note.  The Falklands War.  A time when they were in the World Cup finals.  But of course this time it is Coronation Day.  Given the relative longevity of recent monarchs it is a rare event.

Charles seems to be more tolerated than admired.  Here are a few Coronation bits from our immediate environs.

The post box across the street from our pub/lodgings.  Somebody put real effort into this.  Note the outsized ears on Prince, oops, sorry, King Charles.

The Bowes has been decorated for the event.  Banners and pennants over the billiards table.

And over across the street a window display of loyalty.  My ghostly profile on the left and an ancient wall in the background.

Unlike the previous picture this one shows him without a crown.  Probably the official penalties for popping it on one's head early are dire.  But he's waited so long....suppose he's ducked into the Tower of London and tried it on?  

Well as I post this he'll get the chance to try it on for real in a few minutes.

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