Friday, May 19, 2023

Signs of the Times - England 2023

Things seen in Northern England, Spring 2023.

At the grocery store.  Just Lard, no apologies.  I like the halo which with the lighting from above makes a nice image.

What is Fly Tipping?  A tip is a dump in the UK so I guess this means no dumping trash and running away?  This is a used clothes drop off.

Large White Baps.  The primary meaning is some sort of bread roll or bun.  But my UK friends smile a bit when I use the word as it can also be a slangy term for breasts. 

Only at an archaeology site would you find a container labeled like this!  The site museum  actually has quite a few cattle skulls as they frequently come up during excavations.  Some are full of holes after being used for target practice.

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