Monday, May 2, 2022

Vindolanda 2022 - Day Six

Because everyone likes neat finds, here's something my friend Pete dug up a few trenches over.  Image is from the official Vindolanda site:

This is felt to be a perfume bottle.  Given the presence of communal latrines, night soil jars in the floor, bones everywhere suggesting discarded food....well, you can see why this stuff came in jumbo size.

As for me it was a day of defining features.  Here's what I'm working on:

I know, less exciting.  I'm showing up where an Antonine era wall (about 150 AD) meets up with a floor surface.  I had to remove a later cooking oven to do this and it had some whopping big stones.  Still, no aches and pains to speak of.  More digging tomorrow.

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