Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Vindolanda 2022 Day Seven - Happy Bunny Edition

First a bit of Roman fun....a nice bottle lip.  Interesting how the technology has not changed in 2000 years.

Here is Happy Bunny number one.  He or she lives on the site.  I guess it is actually a hare, and as these are less destructive to the archaeology it gets a free pass.  Rabbits are dealt with emphatically.  It likes to graze near where we excavate and as you can see is not too concerned about us.  It lives somewhere underneath the Praetorium, perhaps in a covered drain.

And Happy Bunny number two.  This is my friend Pete Savin.  Excavator, raconteur, and while not the actual inventor of the phrase Happy Bunny he is a frequent employer of it.

Today was another day of pursuing features not finds.  Here's what I've been up to.  It started out with a large oven inside the schola or officer's mess. 

Great whoppin' stones.  Note the pinkish color on the inside of the oven.  This is a mixture of heat changed soil and probably collapse of a ceramic top to the oven.  Underneath was the Antonine era wall that needed to be traced.  By the way, archaeology is always destructive to some extent, but this was just one of three ovens in the officer's mess.  Here's the same area after removal of the oven and careful excavation of the wall.

And what I've come to regard as "my" wall in detail.

A rather neat bit of work.  It's fun to realize that I'm the first person to see this structure since the early 3rd century when it was covered by the later construction.

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