Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Tree Shaped Tombstones - A few in Madison Wisconsin

Madison, capitol city of Wisconsin, has a couple of well kept up historic cemeteries.  They are off of Mineral Point Road it a visit interests you.  My usual Google Earth scouting showed plenty of opportunity for Tree Shaped Tombstones.  Even when you can't spot them the presence of other fancy styles of the 1890 to 1910 era is a good marker.

Over on the non Catholic Forest Hill Cemetery I found a couple of specimens.

Obviously an "official" Woodmen of the World example.  Nice logo.

Rather a Plain Jane, the names and dates are on the back.  But the odd thing was down at the base...

Occasionally you see these Perpetual Care plaques.  I guess if you put up a bit more money up front you are guaranteed maintenance forever.  They come in various styles, round, rectangular, etc.  I have never seen a football shaped one.  Early Wisconsin Badgers fan perhaps?

But you have to go across the street to the very Catholic Ressurection Cemetery to see the real prize of the day.

I'm not even sure what to call this.  It's a big ol' orb sitting on a cradle of branches and logs.  

Final resting place of assorted members of the Crossen family.

Some nice detail work, oak leaves and acorns.  A real acorn - life imitating art - has fallen in from the oak tree that hangs over head.

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