Monday, September 18, 2023


Man's Best Friend knows what he likes.  Food. People. Sticks.  And most of all, Walks.  Sometimes he feels as if one or all of the above are not happening on schedule.  That's when he plops his head down and stares at me without blinking.  He's trying to send me mental commands....WALKTIME,WALKTIME,WALKTIME.  Unfortunately his brainpower wattage is pretty low so his HypnoDog routine is not very effective.

I think what he's trying for is the "Hypnotoad" from Futurama.  Behold his mesmerizing gaze...


And of course, somebody more talented than I has modified it for Dog....

1 comment:

ChrisJ said...

Heh! I get those looks so often that my wife and I have deduced that my Scotty’s “Indian name” is “Stares at Chris”, where he’ll sit in front of me and look at me, sometimes for ages. It usually, but not always, means he wants something. Figuring out what that is, is a process of elimination, and not infrequently, we fail to figure it out