Monday, September 11, 2023

New Wheels

Over time your vehicles evolve.  You start out with a student days junker.  Then comes a mini van with car seats for the kids.  Then something a little smaller and snazzier that can still transport a grand kid or two.  And then what?

Of late our transportation needs have been under discussion.  We still have various members of the family to haul about.  Some have two legs, some have four.  Sometimes trailers get involved.  Perhaps a defunct deer now and again.  So when my wife and I discuss trading something in and getting a new vehicle it gets complicated.

Starting with "whose turn is it for new wheels"?

I'm lobbying for a smallish pickup truck for me.  So far the lobbying campaign is going poorly.  But recently I had a Sign, an Omen, a Portent.  Surely a nice little truck will make me more efficient in all that I do...

In case you can't make it out the small red lettering on the door says:

"Accelerate your Productivity"

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