Friday, November 11, 2022

T'aint Natural I say.....

 November 10th, 7Am....

Approaching 60 degrees.  Mid day it brushed up against 70.  This is very unusual in Wisconsin this time of year.  As I remind my UK friends, we are next door to Canada.

Later in the day I had a small household task up on our roof.  For those who don't own an older house these fall into two main categories:  Current Rodent Entry Points and Future Ones.  But it was so darn nice I sat up there doing my work in shirt sleeves.  And barefoot.

Earlier I'd gone off on my usual three mile morning walk.  I heard a cricket.  There were bugs flying in the air.  A worm was painstakingly trying to cross a wet side walk.  I always pick them up and toss them where I think they are headed.  Who knows when we'll need that extra Karma Point.  I just hope I did not toss it to the wrong side of the sidewalk undoing hours of labor.  If I come up a few Karmic points short and end up reincarnated as a worm that's probably what will happen to me repeatedly.

But I've seen the forecast.  Time to run the gas out of the lawnmower, roll out the snow blower and make sure it will start up when needed.  Goodbye false spring.  

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