Friday, September 23, 2022

The Politics of Eating Bugs

Various Concerned People have said that we should all be eating bugs.  As a more ecologically friendly way to obtain protein in our diets.  It is sometimes put a bit more forcefully...

It's a tough sell.  Bugs are crunchy.  You can't make kids eat them.  In fact I wonder if the primary method of saving the planet would be depopulation as people avoided becoming parents just to avoid trying to get kids who won't eat asparagus to consume even nastier stuff.

Well there is still a covert effort going on.  It's just in a different aisle of the store.

How about a big ol' sack of meal worms.  In case your chickens are not getting along just fine thanks on table scraps.  What?  They want something more upscale?  Well....

I was hitherto fore unaware of the commercial production of Black Soldier Fly larvae.  Having done a bit of research I can say....just imagine the most disgusting process possible.  Yep, I'm pretty sure you nailed it.   

People of all political persuasions love their pets.  Maybe not in identical ways.  I see my fellow Conservatives being more dog people.  Progressives?  Cats or tiny micro canines.  But hey, we have snacks for everyone's dog.

Want some sorta hippy sounding yoghurt based vegan concoction?

Or are you a follower of the One True Faith, that being how delicious Bacon really is...

I've known some omnivorous dogs in my day.  One previous mutt of ours loved carrots.  But using the same image on each, with the implication that any dog would have equal happiness from these two products?  A Damnable Lie.

Well unless you really believe that "you are what you eat" there's probably no serious political point here.  Capitalism works, so some of these products will vanish unlamented.  

It likely does not pay to think too deeply on such matters.  In another aisle I'm reminded that there are two things you don't want to look into the details.  Politics and....

You could with the contents of a single shopping cart get to an interesting and dark place.

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