Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Tree Shaped Tombstones - Ripon Wisconsin

Ripon Wisconsin is one of those early communities that has a few notable claims to fame.  It has a well known college.  It is also the official birthplace of the Republican Party in 1854.*  So you'd expect plenty of history and a bit of prosperity.  Just the place to hunt for tree shaped tombstones on a quick trip through the area.  

Alas, not an abundance to be found.  One in fact.  But a nice specimen.

Fall leaves don't make for the best contrast in photos of tombstones, but do add a sense of mortality to them.

Speaking of transience, a good reminder that these monuments will not be around forever, at least not in their full magnificence.  A dove resting on a crumbling perch.

And a nice little planter.  Although I do on rare occasions see monuments of this sort with fresh flowers I have never seen the planters used for their intended purpose.  


* The last time I was through Ripon was in the summer of 2016.  Wisconsin's primary election was coming up and there was a last ditch effort to get anyone other than Donald Trump on the ticket.  I recall a sign saying something along the lines of "The Republican Party was born here, don't let it die here".  Prophetic words, and as usual with prophecy, ignored.  Stone is not the only transient thing in the world.

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