Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tree Shaped Tombstones - Nora Cemetery

Road construction took me past the oddly named Nora Cemetery outside of Rice Lake, Wisconsin.  I've done a bit of sleuthing and so far can't figure out who Nora was!  Anyway...

A couple of nice "Tree and Book" tombstones.  They look as if spirits will show up and stand there giving a lecture.

As always, the tops of these are in wretched shape.  A design flaw, these were not made for Wisconsin winters.

Another Tree and Book.  In this case the main information was at least well done on the trunk.

Here's a more traditional "mid sized" tree shaped tombstone.

The logo on the front was a new one to me.  Courage, Hope, Remembrance.  Nice sentiments.

And in a style that seems to turn up fairly often in this part of the world, a "Stack of Logs" monument.

A nice little cemetery along a road I'd otherwise have no reason to take.  The only annoying thing, I mean other than road construction, was my dog Hank, who after a longish time in the car was taking a particular interest in trees, genuine or artistic reproductions.   Sigh.

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