Monday, September 23, 2024

Swamp Wedding

Well, they went and did it.  Got married, as advertised, in a swamp.

Oh, not Shrek and Mrs. Shrek, my youngest son and his decidedly non ogre-ish lady.  You remember, the ones building a house from scratch at the end of a dead end road...

The dad did not begin in auspicious fashion.....

Rain, hail, zero visibility.  Admittedly this was six hours before the ceremony and a bit further north where we were picking up supplies.

But perhaps a decent metaphor for married life.  There will be storms but they will pass.  

Friends and family turned up.  Assorted games were pursued.  The earlier downpour just made it safer to have bonfires going most of the night.   

The groom looking dapper and barefoot.  House they built by hand in the background.

And of course the bride.  That dance floor is made of leftover plywood.

It's all just a little implausible.  An off grid house.  Music that goes from a phone, bluetoothed to a sound mixer, to a speaker set in the bed of an electric vehicle that powered the entire event, lights, cooking, etc.

People played "hammerschlag" until way after dark.  I'm not very good at this btw, despite being a designated non imbibing driver.

And of course, dancing.

A good time was evidently had until way past Oldster bed times.  On returning for breakfast the next morning.....

Some of the pumpkin decorations were considerably the worse for what happened?

Over by the keg of beer a hatchet and the sabre used earlier for opening champagne.  Yes, perhaps just as well I missed that part of the evening.  I'm told my athletic grandson is a particularly accurate hatchet thrower.  We took the tasty debris off to park near a bow hunting stand on the far end of the swamp.

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