Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Help Wanted President (and VP) 2024 Update

Well it has been an unusual Presidential election cycle.  Seems like just a few weeks ago I had a few things to say about it.  Time for an update.  As the players have changed it's time for me to give a revised scorecard.  I do this every four year, basically outlining what I think would be reasonable qualifications for being either Leader of the Free World/Commander in Chief, or to be the next in line for same.  To review, my point system still is:

Been President before: 5 points

Been Vice President once 3 points.  No bonus for being second banana more that once.

Been elected to US Senate.  2 points.  Served more than one term 3 points

Been a Congressperson 1 point.  Multiple terms 2 points

Governor of any reasonable state (sorry Alaska and Louisiana) 2 points. Elected more than once 3 points.

I give one point for military service, one for meaningful business career, one for being a significant cabinet officer, and in a somewhat discretionary fashion one point for unusual or unique life experiences.  That's it.

Now, this is not to say whether a candidate is likeable.  Or competent.  Joe Biden for instance would weigh in with 11 or 12 points.  This just means they've had various roles where they should have learned useful things if they were paying attention.  And I admit that some elected jobs are more suitable for the Oval Office.  I favor executive experience over legislative.  Running a mid sized, politically mixed state should prepare you better than some other options.

So here goes:

Donald Trump.  President, business career, I think its fair to say he's had some unique experiences: 7 points.

Kamala Harris.  VP, one term Senate, I'm feeling generous with the bonus point today.  6 points.

Tim Walz.  Multi term congressman, two term governor, military career, albeit in National Guard.  6 points.

JD Vance.  One term Senate, military experience, business experience.  If growing up dirt poor is not worth that life experience point I'll stop issuing them.  5 points.

So on paper the two tickets each tally 12 points.  

I guess there ya go.  Make your choices as seems good to you.  Oh, and I like silly signs.  Here's more in what I hope is a non partisan selection.....

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