Friday, August 30, 2024

More Robot Outreach - Late Summer 2024

School starts up next week.  Where did the summer go?  Between vacations, an off season competition and just the rate at which time slips away, we just did our last two robotics team outreach visits.  A few random images:

Probably the earliest we've ever had a recruit turn up.  The kid in the baseball cap will be in our Robot School farm system for 7th and 8th graders starting next month.  We let him drive a little at a demo.  Heck, it was his uncle's business.

And of course there is always at least one person with eyes closed making a goofy face.

At another demo.  Robot being operated in a very narrow space.  We could still fire the shooter but had to dial the power back a lot.

The "game pieces" this year were a real pain.  Soft orange foam rings.  After every sustained use there was what we call "Cheeto Dust" all over the floor from the surface being abraded off by the fly wheels.  Good guests clean up after themselves.

This issue is the main reason we got our own Milwaukee Tool portable vacuum.  It runs on the same battery packs we use for drills and such.  The clean up crew of course is the coaches.  The students are the engineers now.  We are the janitors.

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