Wednesday, August 28, 2024

British Columbia - Acute Contrasts

Of course BC is a big place, so I'm only talking about part of it.  We spent our "off the map" time in the mountainous central part of the province, around Kelowna.  And there were contrasts aplenty.  Huge picturesque lakes....with dry parched hills all around.  

Very beautiful country, and lots to do recreationally.  Skiing, biking, hiking, and in our case various water related activities.  It's a recreational paradise and very hip 'n trendy.  The median home price is $900,000.  At that price level it does not matter if it is US or Canadian.

So yes, a place of contrasts.  

The tent city of homeless people has grown since my last visit.  As even more new condos rise above them.  A place on the top floor of one of these is over 2 mill.  At highest price range you get the lake view.  Half a step down the economic pinnacle you'd have to look out and see the tents.

I'll admit to occasionally being peeved when our Northern Neighbors scold the US for its problems.  But I was gentle in my questioning the locals here.  "How do you resolve this situation personally?"  "Does the obvious inequity bother you?".  There is a general sense of wishing more could be done, a cheerful perspective on how many "tiny houses" they were building Somewhere Else, but no actual answers.  I wondered.... who are these people?....both the ones on high and the ones pushing pilfered shopping carts - that painful symbol of economic impotence - around down in the dirt.

About 300 yards from this spot is the craft brewery district.  Great pizza.  Good beer (too much trendy IPAs for my taste).  The tent people wander past a custom Cheesemaker, an Ethical Butcher, and I believe a nearby warehouse is being converted into an indoor water park.  Better than the muddy ditch you see in the foreground.

Canadians appear to be very invested in US politics.  But my best efforts notwithstanding,  I was able to understand very little of theirs.  So I'm not sure what to make of this:

Maybe this sums up Canadian social mores as well as anything.  A swank looking boutique on the main street....

PS.  For the reader wondering about the Capybaras, there is a Kangaroo Ranch near the Kelona airport.  You can go interact with assorted critters.  This is better than the alternative but plausible explanation which is that drinking a few cans of that Scrumpy will have you seeing giant rodents no matter where you live.

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