Monday, January 29, 2024

FIRST Robotics 2024 - Week Three

We are at roughly the mid point of Build Season....and its an odd progress report.  Some things were done very quickly and very well.  Others that were assumed to be in hand or easy-peasy have proven otherwise.  One key system is pretty much non functional.   Sigh.

Drive base is good.  The electronics will be going on "under the deck" shortly.  We have nice bumpers.  The clearance is such that the game pieces will not get stuck under there.

We have an elevator.  It works but is still a little twitchy.   It is living on an old robot frame at the moment.  It's nice to have old stuff with the same mounting hole pattern.  Software can tinker with it as the main robot is being worked on elsewhere and otherwise.  Lots of metal shavings being generated.  That is one measure of progress.

The "end game" this year involves essentially doing a chin up on a saggy chain, then reaching the elevator up to drop a game piece in a high up slot.  Climber looks as if it will work.  Still need to attach a winch to the arms.  Nice level hang.  We have a bit of latitude as to the location of the remaining parts, so should be able to keep it that way.

Ah, but the device that actually picks the rings up and shoots them?  That's not going so well.  We are expecting to prototype two new designs on Monday.

Stay tuned.

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