Friday, November 17, 2023

Orange Sunset

Opening Morning of Deer Hunting awaits.  The other hunters and support staff are all in route, but at present its just me and the dog as the sun sets on Friday evening.

I've been up for a few days already.  It has been nice and quiet but there are a few things to attend to before the official opening of Deer Camp.

Trail cams need to be consulted....

A nice buck, probably an 8 pointer.  If the next thing the camera snapped had antlers they'd look like a chandelier...

I was not scowling because of my last round of target practice.  I was out at about 100 yards and looking straight into the sun for these shots.  I'd call it 4 for 4.

When you miss the bullseye both left and right, up and down it means the rifle is sighted in nicely. Its the rifleperson who is at fault.  But this should suffice.

Dog loves it Up North.  He sniffs at, I presume, coyote dribbles.  He barks at squirrels.  He rolls around on his back and then stretches out in a pose I call SuperDog.

Note the blaze orange flag on his leash.  I don't think anyone would take a shot at a deer that small but you never know so he stays on leash and flagged.

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