Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Little Robots Pushing Things

Barely controlled chaos with middle school kids driving little sumo style pushing robots.  My elaborate three on three format went out the window when we had both equipment failures and a last minute scratch.  Hey, the equipment is twenty years old, so not surprising.

But two on two or three on two matches both worked quite well.  Kids found that having one less robot getting in the way actually kind of hindered them.  There was some good driving and some of the matches were pretty exciting.  When they can carom that big green 5 point ball in at the last minute that's really fun....

 Everyone seemed to have a pretty good time.

"Vintage" robot T shirts as prizes.

During a break for field reset the high school team's competition robot grabbed a few things for show then lead the families of the middle school kids back to our workshop for a look at what we assume will be the future for many of them.

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