Monday, October 2, 2023

Who will avenge us?

It's Autumn.  Not my personal favorite season because every day brings you closer to bitter cold, but it has its charms.  Over the next week or two we'll be seeing magnificent colors.  Reds, oranges, yellows.  Nature is strange.  Why is death - at least for leaves - so flamboyant?  

Of course it all starts with the pumpkins.  Halloween has become a significant holiday with lots of money to be made.  Costumes, decor and so forth.  Pumpkins are the harbingers, now showing up not in October or even September, but at the tail end of August.

A small town nearby was setting up for their annual Fall Fest.

Straw, pumpkins and ATVs in the streets.  No snowmobiles please.

Pumpkins and FUN! outside the local visitor center.  That's a beer tent in the background.  This is Wisconsin after all.

Ah, but on the outskirts of town, nay, even at its heart, an enemy comes by night.  

Who will come forth to save us from the silent, unseen menace?  What band of brothers and sisters in arms, clad in the orange livery of the pumpkins they mean to avenge will muster in the weeks ahead?

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