Monday, October 16, 2023

Roman Digs 2024 - Something Different

As regular visitors know I've been going over to the UK every spring for 15 years or so.  Each time, other than Covid Years, to work at an archaeological dig along Hadrian's Wall.  The site is Vindolanda.

The organization that runs the dig has a second site called Magna.  It is five or six miles away and was another fort along Hadrian's Wall.  The Wall you see was a bit predictable, a Mile Castle every mile and a fort every two or three.

Magna has never had significant excavations.  Oh a few carefree antiquarians rummaged about in the 19th century but what is below the ground is really still a mystery.  Based on ground penetrating radar and a few test pits, there's a lot.

So in May I'll be excavating at Magna.  Probably there will be fewer and newer finds.  The upper layers have to be studied first.  But one never really knows, and the mystery is a big part of the fun.

Other elements of said fun being my archaeological cronies, the pints of ale, the reliably sunny and warm English spring weather.....oh, not that last one.

Plans of course are Under Construction but having a time slot reserved I'm already looking to start packing my bag.


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