Monday, August 14, 2023

Summertime Robots

Along with another area team we set up over the weekend and did demos at the town's River Fest.  Its one of those "just for fun" things, and it was great to have half the team come by for various lengths of time.  Darn kids they keep growing, and even the passage of a few months is noticeable.  

A few pictures, also just for fun.

Pretty good crowd on a lovely day.

Always looking for the Drivers of the Future.  A kid brother in this case.  He's not bad.

Video of the two robots operating in tandem.  Not long afterwards they both broke down and repair skills had to be recalled...

One thing about summer demos where you are running the robot for long periods of time.  Things get hot.  One of our motors was really cookin' so a couple of ice packs from the cooler had to be applied during its rest time.

In a couple of weeks the robot is going to be expected to present awards to people.  So I had them practice grabbing atypical objects.  A pop can.  A small beach ball.  And my baseball cap...

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