Monday, June 13, 2022

Man Versus Algorithm - Part 94039

YouTube is part of the All Seeing Eye of the Internet.  Like a predatory Santa it "...knows when you've been sleeping, it knows when you're awake...".  On the internet I strive to not Be Bad.  So it is interesting to see what this Eye of Sauron gleans from my on line life....and what it suggests I might want to see more of.  Here's the list:

Music, Archaeology, Live (again I assume music), Electric Motors, Wilderness, Tools, Model Trains, Robot, Tourist Destination, Mixes, Electrical Engineering, Gaming, Baseball, Basketball, Amber Heard, Trucks, Gardening and Comedies.

When I hit the refresh button a bunch of times the offerings vary slightly.  Music always is number one or two although Mix is sometimes changed to New Age or even Bossa Nova.  Rain, Trails, Consumer Electronics, NBA, Baking, Dogs, Eating and such make tentative appearances.  Amber Heard will not go away.  Videos pertaining to her are like the One Ring that cannot be destroyed.

Well now....

A few of the offerings have some basis in reality.  Robots, Archaeology, Electric Motors, all good stuff.  Some of the others must just be dreck they try to serve up to everyone.  I am for instance a fairly non musical person.  I have zero interest in either Live or Mixed versions of such entertainment.  

A couple are peculiar.  Model trains?  Is anyone really interested in them?  I subscribe to a YouTube channel where a friend of mine makes things out of junk.  I recall he built a little rail line in his back yard.  This must be the slender reed that the TubeBots have grasped.  Likewise I have an interest in baseball but the Internet seems to assume that a carry over interest in basketball must be present.  It is not.

And my interest in Amber Heard is less than zero.  I'd be happier with no perception of her existence or the existence of  beings akin to her.  Including Mr. Depp truth be told.

Boxing...Restaurant "Rescue" shows....Meditation music......Hero Animals.  Back in the early days of the internet I used to salt my profiles with various fake information just to see if I would get ads in Portuguese, spam email from tailors in Denmark, stuff related to Icelandic scrimshaw art.  The only entry on the above list that might still be carrying over would be the Bossa Nova music!  I of course have all "notifications" turned to the OFF setting but another account in the household did not.  Maybe that's where gardening came from.

But it seems to not matter.  My efforts to punk the algorithms seem unnecessary, they autopunk themselves.

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