Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Return of the Frogs

Last year I enjoyed The Summer of the Frogs, a season in which my then three year old grandson was infatuated and delighted by all things amphibian.  We spent a lot of time along a mosquito infested section of lakefront that we call "Frog City".   Ah, fun times.  But one has to accept that children change, they move on.  Things that were once central in their lives move off to the side and eventually are forgotten.  So also will be most memories of grandparents from this age, a melancholy notion that must be accepted but cannot be enjoyed.

So it was with considerable delight on my part, well and on his also, that recently we discovered that The Frogs had Returned to Frog City!  We'd been by a few times seeing nothing but weeds, soggy leaves and debris that had washed in from other parts of the lake.  True, there were a few odd ripples just under the surface, but no frogs.

Well, they are back.  The ripples were caused by chubby tadpoles who will soon be adding to the population of Pioneer Frogs that have already emerged.  A zoomed in photo of one parked a ways off the muddy shore:

They seem pretty gullible, my grandson was able to toss out small pine cones and twigs, causing them to hop over and take a chomp out of them.  They appeared to make faces (its easy to imagine this with their bulging eyes), smack their pale lips in distaste a few times and stare at us.  I assured my frog hunting companion that they were actually saying: "You tricked us, you naughty Dryskins!"  This caused considerable mirth to all non amphibians involved.  I think it bodes well for Summer of the Frogs 2.0.

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