Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Posters in the Halls of Academe - Part Two

I'm going to miss my wanderings through the halls at University.  I kept getting peculiar little insights into things.  Maybe not the insights that were always intended...

This poster obviously was put up before Halloween.  Because this is considered to be such an important matter we all got an email from the Dean of Students that said the same thing.  I'm sympathetic.  For college age students Halloween costumes typically are associated with alcohol consumption and obnoxious behaviour is not unheard of.  Sometimes people just go a little too far.

I also thought the people behind this poster went a little too far with a gratuitous reference to Immigrations and Customs officials and violence.  Political dust ups notwithstanding these are just folks doing their job.  How 'bout we speak out against Guy Fawkes masks and Che Guevera shirts maybe?  Revolutionaries do tend to perpetrate a little violence after all.

The Math Department shares a floor with foreign language classrooms.  This is logical.  The details on this poster made as much sense to me as if they had been written in Portuguese.  

Except of course for the phrase mentioned in the second line.  Boromirian rings I understand, even if they did spell it wrong!

There are a lot of posters with political flavor to be seen.  Sometimes the actual intent is hard to puzzle out.  This is from the Society of Professional Journalists.  Now, some of my conservative friends would say that modern journalists ditched their objectivity long ago, and would opine that many of them would provide spin/cover/excuses for their political pals for free.  Or maybe for table scraps like an obedient lap dog.

But the detail below seems a fairly conservative thought.  Rather a combination of "There ain't no Free Lunch" and the official motto of New Hampshire "Live Free or Die".

And lastly not a poster but a mysterious door.  Room 219.  The Human Laboratory. Perhaps this is where enormously tall basketball players are cloned....

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