Monday, October 7, 2024

Bowhunting - October 2024

Bow hunting, specifically with a crossbow, is a different breed of cat.  It's a quieter, more solitary undertaking.  No compressed 9 day season as with firearms.  No traditional "hunting camp" gatherings.  You pick a time, go out to the woods and sit.  Quietly.  Very quietly.

Many consider it more true hunting.  The deer have almost every advantage.  A rifle can do the job at 100 yards.  A bow, especially with a novice hunter....30 or 40 yards tops.  The one advantage hunters do have is that this is the time of year when the deer go crazy and chase each other around.  Sort of like a gang of distractible middle schoolers.

Here's the view from the tree stand:

Another difference between this a gun hunting is that for the latter you need to wear blaze orange you won't get shot by other hunters.  Not much risk of that with short range weapons, so the priority is on camo.  Here's the annual tree stand selfie.

Because I'm hunting on my youngest son's Homestead I have a bit of a drive in the pre-dawn hours.  I'll often stop in at a convenience store for coffee on this trip.  I guess I'd better not do this while so attired!

Warmer weather means once you - hypothetically - get a deer you need a plan.  In November just hang them up in a cold garage for a few days and process them when you have time and hands to do so.  Warm weather and without a large hunting crew.  Hmmmmm.

There is a place down the road that does this work.  They'll take it in the field dressed state and turn it into nicely packaged venison.  I stopped by the other day to ask what the procedure was.  A very pleasant young man said:  "Well, first of all you stop at the bar down the road, they'll have the paperwork".

Best Step One Ever!

My second day of hunting I did a better job of time management and was up in the stand before first light.  It was a wild, windy morning.  Plus side:  No way the deer would smell or hear me.  Negative side, if I had a shot I'd have to make some serious accommodation for windage.  

If.  I saw no deer.  So, time to change uniforms do a bit of Homestead work.  Specifically, help install insulation.  Honestly, silly costumes, doing things with modest at best results.....feels more like cosplay than serious hunting and honest labor....

 As my scamp of a grandson got the family "on the board" during today's special youth hunt weekend I can't let up.  Back in the stand tomorrow, weather permitting.

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