Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Officer Hank, and Signs of The Times

No trip to England would be complete without my needing to puzzle over/marvel at various signs I run across.  

The hound shown here is a dead ringer for my dog Hank.  I'm pretty sure he would not be able to get a whistle into his big lolling mouth.  Also, he's not scolding the dog shown on the sign, he's giving him a "high five".  "Oy, good one pal, so smelly it's glowing incandescent red!"  I ran into another Hank related sign at the Hexham Car Boot Fair:

Another item from the Boot Fair....

I think this ends quite badly.  A voice activated face squeezer?  It would probably strangle you when your spoken command came out a little muffled because you had your jaw already held shut with a foam rubber noose.......  "Bhlvxv"...."BHHVOLLES!............xxxxxxxx"

And finally from Chillingham a far more practical safety notice:

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