Monday, June 10, 2024

Because no opportunity for a silly picture should go to waste......

Because my photographer friend Pete and I only overlapped for a week plus a day on either end, the number of odd photos of each other is reduced in number this year.  We tried to make up for it in quality.  Because as we go through life, no opportunity for a silly photo should ever go to waste....

Pete sporting a "Hairy Buffalo Ear" at the Hexham Boot Sale:

At the same event, we both try on rubber dinosaur masks.  The guy standing behind Pete makes it look as if he actually has two heads.

Chillingham Castle had some opportunities for striking a pose.....

Stocks are surprisingly even less comfortable than you'd imagine.  Also at Chillingham I took to the pulpit in the chapel and delivered a brief sermon to my flock.  They remained unrepentant.

Guess that's about it.  Next year we'll try to get Pete and I on the same dig....aiming our cameras at each other constantly.....

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