Monday, January 2, 2023

93 Million Miles.....

That's how far the earth travels in its orbit around the Sun.  Guess I'm feeling youthful for my age, because even with its occasional tough spots 2022 did not seem as if I were putting more than, oh maybe two or three million on the odometer.

The grandkids grew.  Physically of course but even more impressively grew in sophistication and general smarts.  I am with regret retiring most of my "Naughty Grandpa" schtick.  I can tell when they are humoring me.  First Little League game, first occasion to dance at a wedding and other milestones.  It is no longer possible to fool them by spelling things out, they've cracked that code.

Back to international travel.  A very nice month of archaeology in the UK and a bonus trip to Canada.  

Robotics takes up a fair chunk of time, especially in the winter months.  The 2021/22 season we were in "survival mode" due to assorted challenges.  Mostly but not entirely the tail end of Covid.  For the 2022/23 season we are resurgent with our biggest and I believe best team ever.  

So what's ahead for the new year?

January through March - lots of robot stuff.

April - a reset month but for diversions I'll be giving community ed programs on Roman archaeology, a definitive history of local movie theaters, and what I anticipate being a slightly off color survey of Obelisks around the world.

May - two weeks in the UK.  Alas I could not swing an entire month this year but it looks as if most of the notorious "Anaerobes" group will be there.

June through August - summertime and the livin' should be easy.  A family reunion, on our turf this time.  Baseball games and fishing.

Fall - robotics powers up again.  I've agreed to move our summer Robot School program into the fall after school format.  As FIRST robotics teams in general have to work to find quality recruits we are fortunate to have a Perpetual Motion Recruiting Machine.  Besides, its fun.  Also besides, I'm no longer even borderline capable with the technology of the high school FIRST program! 2023 should be the year I step back and mostly run "the farm system".

I'm planning on trying my hand at bow hunting next deer season.  I will have an opportunity to beachcomb for fossil shark's teeth.  I expect to make it to another birthday - the odds are good, its pretty soon - but despite growing old I intend to continue to resist growing up.

Happy New Year all.

1 comment:

Jim Carlson said...

Happy New Year Tim!

Still trying to grow up here too. Maybe the pains I woke up with this morning are growing pains.

Bow hunting was something I started my first summer out of high school. My first bow was a 47# full recurve. Next was a 53# & then a 61# drawing 29". Put an arrow through our first apartment's living room window practicing drawing the bow for hunting. My shoulder gave out. Never got a deer but did get deer fur on a broad head twice. Both were running. Did shoot a grouse standing on a log. I will be anxiously awaiting hearing about your bow hunting experiences.
