Friday, December 9, 2022

"Never Act with Children or Animals"

This quote is often attributed to the famous misanthrope W.C. Fields but the sentiments are so timeless that I have no doubt it goes back to the very beginnings of what we understand as public entertainment, the Greek Theater.  I'm sure they took a particularly dim view of fauns and satyrs, those goat/human hybrids who combine the baser qualities of each.

Everything old is new again.  And so on a recent winter afternoon I found myself helping on a video shoot for the robotics team.  We'll see how it emerges from editing but the premise is that maybe you can teach goats to write code.  

Goats of course being Chaos Engines it escalated quickly....


Jim Carlson said...

I need a couple of goats to challenge our buckthorn up north.

Jim Carlson said...

I need a couple goats to challenge our buckthorn up north.