Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Ah, What's in a Name?

Let me say from the start that I generally disapprove of vulgarity.  It shows a lack of imagination and rarely does it express an idea better than words your grandmother would approve of.  But rarely is not the same as never, and I have an even greater dislike of not calling things by their True Names.

Recently we had the robotics team over to visit one of our sponsors.  They have a new facility and it is awe inspiring.  But I couldn't take my eyes off something up in the ceiling.  It was a fan, slowly turning and something like 25 to 30 feet in diameter.  It looked like this:

When I stood directly beneath it I could read something on the hub.  I'm playing around with a video camera so figured I might get a decent shot here:

Big Ass Fan.  Yep, that certainly describes it perfectly.  

The company that makes these started out being called something else.  But their customers just started referring to their products as, well exactly what they are.  So they changed the company name!  In case you are in need of a ridiculously large ventilation fan here's where to go.

Big Ass Fans.  If that's what you need why look anywhere else?

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