Monday, October 10, 2022

A Rare Product Review. Actually a Warning.

One branch of the family is in on a sort of "subscription pantry" deal.  They pay a fee and every few weeks go and pick up a bunch of food.  Lots of it.  Some of it is great.  There's always ice cream.  Some items are perishable.  The warehouse is clearly getting oversupply from restaurant suppliers.  Hope you like bananas.  Or kale.  Or both, 'cause you'll be eating a lot of it for a few days.  And then making banana kale bread with the left-left overs.

Some of the stuff is near or even a titch past expiration date.  A fairly high percentage has Spanish themed packaging.  

But overall it is great stuff, and a family with two ravenous kids does well.

A few things they don't care for or want the tykes to consume.  Give that stuff to grandpa.  This includes most of the soda pop.  Some of the pop is normal stuff.  Oh, maybe the cans are a bit dented or some such, but just fine.  Some of it is odd stuff.  And then there was this:

Here, take a closer look:

It is officially called Mtn DEW Flamin' Hot.  Caffeine, chili peppers, citrus flavor,  fluorescent red dye and who knows what else.  I assume the target audience is a demographic that communicates - after a fashion - in chopped up word fragments and abbreviations with minimal punctuation.  The demon on the label really should have tipped me off, but I was thirsty and took a big swig.  That was forgivable.  The second swig was just stupidity.

This stuff immediately gave me symptoms that back in my clinical days I'd have said suggested an inferior wall myocardial infarction.  Rapid heart rate.  Upper abdominal discomfort.  Mild nausea.  I felt crummy for a couple of hours.  You may notice that the bottle is empty.  I poured it down the sink and sluiced it through with a lot of water.  Straight up I think it would burn through the pipes.

Evidently this was a trial product, only available for about six months.  Its appearance in the sometimes outdated but usually very palatable food pantry stocks may well have been its final, vengeful appearance in the marketplace.

Good riddance.

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