Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Spending Canadian Tire Money

One of the last stops on our North o' the Border trip was at Canadian Tire.  This is a Big Box retailer that sells auto parts and just about everything else.  It has some quirks.  For instance:

I immediately began coveting Canadian Tire Money.  It looks like this:

More on that topic in a bit.  But for starters, what could you buy with Canadian Tire Money?

One of the first things I saw walking in was this interesting brand of hot sauce.  It's actually an American company so if I want to try it I won't have to have a long, interesting conversation with the folks screening my carry on luggage.

As I've mentioned it was darned hot when we visited in July.  Not that this alters the sporting goods section at CT.  Several aisles of hockey gear.

When I saw this my pulse quickened.  Did Canadian Tire actually sell taxidermy critters?  Alas, no they were simply decor.

I regard Dog as Man's most faithful and noble Companion in a hostile Universe.  They deserve better than this indignity....

In case you've wondered why I have not shown much family from the Family Reunion, well I am pretty respectful of people's privacy.  Please accept this image from the toy department with my assurance that it was somewhat representative.

So, back to the Tire Money.  It can only be used for purchases in the store, so in principle you could use it to acquire all the fine merch shown above.  It's actually more of a Loyalty Program.  If you pay in cash, which I suppose means the store does not have to shave off a little for the credit card companies, you get a teeny, weeny little amount back in Tire Bucks.  It's been around a long time and once you'd get 5% back.  Now it is .04%.  Many people seem to just toss the gaudy pseudo bank notes into the charity donation box on the way out.

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