Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Tree Shaped Tombstones - Some Assembly Required

Just over the Minnesota-Iowa border on Highway 65 there is a little cemetery* with a very elaborate monument.

Clearly a variation on the Tree Shaped Tombstone this one has a bewildering array of sticks, logs, half logs and twisty branches.

Its difficult to tell how many pieces had to be assembled to make this, probably seven not counting whatever base is underneath this top heavy structure.

The lower sections are especially interesting.  The half logs alternating round side up and down for instance.  Note also the intentional cuts in the middle of the cross branches.  Perhaps to accommodate expansion and contraction with temp changes?

Quite the pile of stone.  It must have been pricey.  And while it is eye catching at first glance the more you study it the more of a pieced together Frankenstein vibe it gives off.
*This is actually called State Line Cemetery.  

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