Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Fall and Rise of R.O.B. the Robot - FIRST 2020

On Sunday we had everything working well.  So for Monday nothing was on tap other than a few minor issues moving an electronic component to a safer location.  Somehow things went badly.  Very badly.  As in nothing much worked anymore.

Tuesday was the last chance to fix things.  Several of us coach types turned up early to peer at the robot and ponder various courses of action.  Not to actually do the work mind you, but to consider the nature of the issues and how to address them.

For me that was a couple of hours, mostly in my case spent organizing tools and cleaning the shop.  When the team showed up I went home.

When I returned two hours later the robot was happily sitting there with a sign on it that said:  Don't Touch.  

They apparently had fixed all the issues.

R.O.B. the Robot (not sure what the acronym really means) looks happy.  Let's hope he stays that way for a few days.

End of build season.  Competition ahead.  Regular updates of course.

1 comment:

Honeybee said...

On to competition! Good luck.