Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Things the Dogs Find

We helped out with the maple syrup operation for a while.  The people who really know what they are doing were unavailable for a few hours.  So we got instructions on stoking the fire, keeping the levels topped off, what to do if the sap boils over.

Not a very demanding job really, I had time to look about and reflect.  The syrup boiling went on in a little shed in the woods.  And on the wall were some things the dogs found and proudly brought over.

A deer antler.

A really big bird claw.

These gruesome little mementos are related.  There is a river on one side and a fairly busy road on the other.  Regards the road, deer wander onto it, stare into the oncoming headlights and slowly think "What the heck?".

Then eagles, vultures and related birds flap down, help themselves to the roadside venison until they have eaten their fill.  After that they flap ponderously out across the road, noting the oncoming vehicles and slowly think "What the heck?"


jon spencer said...

The antler looks like a shed, as it is not attached to a part of the skull.
There are many dogs trained to find and retrieve sheds.
Prices for a antler that size are $20 at the low end and go up from there.

Don't keep the raptor foot, if it is from a eagle there are very, very severe penalties from the feds for keeping eagle parts.
Report it to the WDNR or the FWS and they will let you know what to do with it.

Tacitus said...

Thanks Jon. You are quite correct.

As a guest I was not sure how to mention the part about the raptor foot. And I assumed the antler was a shed but there were several defunct deer on the road nearby.

Artistic license perhaps.