Monday, March 3, 2025

Robot Times, New and Old

Most years I post several days worth of stuff when the FIRST robotics team has their events.  This year, no.  I was an official at the event and actually spent very little time with the team.  It's all part of the succession plan, gotta let the new leadership have the fun and of course, the non fun!

Many gremlins were encountered.  Battle was joined.  We vanquished some of the grems and finished stronger than we started.   My view of things was mostly stuff like this:

A full weekend of pounding music, weird lighting, strobes, a bit of stress.  It's wicked hard on the central nervous system.  Took me 24 hours to recover.

I did venture out a few times.  After all, I do need to keep adding to my Mascot Photo collection.  Here I'm trying to mimic the bright staring eyes of the Husky.  I think I nailed it....

Aw heck, too good not to swap over as my profile picture for a while......