Friday, March 25, 2022

Tree Shaped Tombstones - A Good Dog

I don't get over to Milwaukee all that often but happen to be here on, well an errand I'll go into on another occasion.  I made a point to drive over early because there is a very interesting cemetery that I'd seen several times zipping past on I-94.  

I figured it would be good hunting, its the oldest Catholic cemetery in the city, and the ethnic groups who seemed fondest of tree shaped tombstones - Germans and Czechs - are abundant here.  I was not disappointed.

But I'll save most of these for another installment.  With only time for a quick update I'll just show you one example.

As an example it is just OK, a bit fussy with the branches for my taste.  But look down at the base!

Dogs are not common at all.  This is perhaps the fourth I have encountered (one was an indeterminate critter and one a borderline "tree"), and is the best specimen to date.  Look at how the leaves and twigs make a bed.  And the nice touch of having a slab for the dog to rest his head.  But the best part of all?

We have his name.

Good dog Barney.

Addendum.  I've looked up my other "dogs" and each is different.  Unlike say, doves, which came in standard patterns it looks as if dogs were one offs.  It would be great if the carver worked from a photo.

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