Monday, July 29, 2019

Enjoy the Beauty of Nature - Or Not

In my town there is a new park down by the river.  It is nice.  A person could sit there and watch the water go by.  Sometimes there are also ducks.

Or you could ignore nature.

Here is a new park bench I recently saw.

So I guess you could go down there with your laptop and play Halo all day.  Or, to be entirely fair, sit there and write blog posts!

The insidious take over of the Virtual World continues apace.


Honeybee said...

Say it ain't so!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully it isn't a bench close to the river, the river which tends to frequently FLOOD the park!

Tacitus said...

Higher up, near River Street. But maybe they should put a little paddle wheel generator on the lower part of the bench just to be on the safe side.