Friday, July 27, 2018

Forgotten Brewery Caves - By the Book.

I sometimes pass myself off as an expert on 19th century brewery caves.  But a more accurate appraisal would be that I am a serious student of them.

Once in a while I am asked if I am going to write a book on the subject.  The short answer is: no.  It is not a subject that would interest a wide audience and the general state of print publishing is such that my prior magnum opus will probably remain a one off.

But there are a couple of books that a fellow serious student of the subject might seek out.

The Classic is this:

Although it is an overview of small, early Wisconsin breweries it does devote a fair amount of attention to brewery caves.  Mr. Kroll was out there looking for them a generation ago, back when they were far more accessable than they are today.  Here is a bit more information on the book, although I must add that writing to the author to get a copy is not an option, he no longer has any and it is long out of print.

For a newer book and one devoted to an indepth study of one site, I suggest Robbers Cave, Truth, Legends and Recollections by Joel Green.  This looks at the history of the Pioneer Brewery cave in Lincoln Nebraska.  Joel has done yeoman's service with the complicated story.

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