
Monday, December 27, 2021

Modern Christmas 2021

Belated post.  Even our scheduled day after Christmas celebration got pushed back.  Air travel issues.  So I was tasked, again, for the long drive over to the Big City Airport and the waiting around for a delayed flight.  Other than people watching airports are not all that interesting.  Although I did see one odd thing, a Police Trike:

Eventually we did have a quorum of two and four footed family members assembled.  Dogs really get into the spirit of the holiday.  Give 'em a present and they look up expectantly wondering where the next one is....

Usually Santa gets a bit of help.  It is still a Covert Op as we have grandchildren who believe or at a minimum are not takin' any chances with asking questions.  So this year when my present was by far the biggest under the tree I had good reason to expect something exceptional.  My grandson, smarty that he is, carried it over and observed that it did feel a bit light...

Tear it open in best "heck with paper re-use style" and inside was.....


The grands had never seen the old Russian Nesting Doll trick and found it an interesting variation on Grandpa gets teased.

By the time the goal was near even Hank the Dog was intrigued.  But there was nothing to eat inside.  Some nice new gloves and a battery warmed shirt for future hunting expeditions.

Cookies were consumed, more gifts were opened.  We even had a Zoom Christmas with someone we wished had been there instead of stranded by a blizzard in Idaho.  She got to see the contents of her stocking via modern technology.

And so concludes Christmas 2021.  As with the year in general it was an improvement on 2020 and we hope for better still in the year ahead.

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