
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blogroll Part One

As part of my "retrospective" look at Detritus of Empire - in the sense that I am looking at something very retro - a quick peek at the "Blogroll" that appears off to one side.

Back in ye Ancient Internet Tymes a Blogroll was intended to be a way you'd suggest readers of your blog go visit other blogs, who might often return the favor with a similar link. Now of course the very concept is archaic.

But a quick peek at who makes the Blogroll and why seems in order.  The list of course is not chiseled in stone, this is just a quick visit to current inhabitants.  Here is the first half of the list.

Atlas Obscura  An interesting compendium of odd places around the world.  I sent them a bit on potato vending machines that they published.  I can't visit it too often because it reminds me that I don't go to enough fun places or with a good enough camera.

Twinkie Town  Your primary affiliation as a baseball fan is set early.  So listening to the early years of the Minnesota Twins while on the radio at my grandpa's house cemented this in.  Living in Wisconsin for more than half my life has not made me a Brewer's fan.  It cannot.

Girl Genius  Web based comics come and go.  Girl Genius is one of long standing and is well drawn and clever.  It is in the Steampunk genre and does not take itself too seriously.

The Gormogons Political sites are a bit touchy.  I visit a number and they are of variable perspectives.  This one is a group of old college friends who assume various ridiculous personas.  Witty but again not taking themselves too seriously.

Borepatch One interesting thing about the Conservative and Progressive sites I visit is that the Conservative ones tend to ironically be more tolerant of diversity of opinion. These guys are way more 2nd Amendment types that I am but we get along.  I don't recommend testing the limits on places of the Progressive bent.  I in fact have had one such place on and off the blogroll for years but it just gets too hostile.

More blogroll destinations next time at Detritus of Empire.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words. I've been quite impressed in how polite the commenters are over at my place. Things get a little warmer discussing the War On Drugs but haven't gone over the line.

    In 10 years and 40,000+ comments I've only had (IIRC) one commenter that I've had to ban, and that was my ex-wife. But she has all sorts of boundary issues. Everyone else says their piece but seems willing to live and let live. Oh, and my brother called yelling because of something I posted but he hasn't been quite right since chemo. Family - whadda going to do?

    The left is weird, as you point out. I'm not conservative but they don't seem interested in being around anyone other than True Believers these days.

    And you're welcome anytime. ;-)


I'll be putting comments into "moderator" format for a while. Sometimes they get a bit off topic. I'll post almost all of them even the One Weird Trick Spamsters if they amuse me. I also answer my email at